Thursday, March 31, 2011

I want white walls

I had them in the last house I lived in. And the one before that. I miss them. I particularly miss the house/walls before this one. The house (rented) was like brand new. All the walls were white, tan carpet, no holes in walls until I got there. I wasn't really with the minimalism yet. Iwas still young and *wince* taped pictures from Psychology Today to my wall. In a rental. I don't know what I was thinking. Along with endless thumbtack marks. Ahhh being a teenager. I'm out of that now. But man do I miss those walls. I've never had a bright room though which is kind of depressing. It's always really dark. The only plant that doesn't die in my room is bamboo.

Oh yeah, sooo things are happening in my personal life. My mom is more likely than not divorcing my step dad. Not that he did anything wrong...they're just not compatible. No needless to say, you only live once, and she's not happy. She's in her early 40's and I would say subtly going through her mid-life crisis. I honestly don't blame her. I'm not going to get into more details than that, but I will say I support her. So what comes with that? Moving. We wouldn't be able to continue living in the house we live in now. Which honestly I'm happy about. I hate this house it's WAYYY too big. Close to 3,000 sq ft. Nobody can keep up with it! Nobody is ever home. The dogs have destroyed it because nobody's home to train them and let them out. My mom for whatever reason let my sister get a dog who has been destroying furniture. The house just sucks needless to say. It's a lot for someone to handle who's home all the time much less one who's not.

I don't know what's going to happen with me. She will more likely than not get a 3 bedroom. Which means I'm probably either sharing, or getting booted. I'm engaged, but wasn't planning on moving out for another year so I guess the engaged part makes it "better" for my mom's conscious, but I don't know. She hasn't officially said what's going to happen, but I'm scared. If it does happen, I'm hoping to move in with Daniel and his mom. There's enough free bedrooms for me not to be a burden, but I can't help but feel like me being there would still be a burden. I've thought about my sister, Daniel, and I getting an apartment, but honestly, she's a slob. And she has that dog that chews and pees everywhere that I despise. Daniel and I have talked about it with her, but told her there was NO WAY that dog was coming. Him and I are cat people to begin with. I'm sorry, but I am OCD caliber neat freak. She is the opposite. If she cleans up her act then maybe. But we'll see what happens. I guess more motivation under me to get me to have that yard sale. I want to soon, but the weather has been terrible here. It was warm and sunny and now it's cold and rainy. Lovely Georgia. Anyway, a look into what's been going on here lately.

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