Saturday, April 2, 2011

Totally Inspired :)

So my favorite show is House Hunters International on HGTV. The episode that was just on was about a girl who lived in New Orleans and moved to Paris. Soooo jealous. I knew Parisians lived in tiny apartments, but I didn't realize they were that small! I believe the one she ended up getting was under 200 sq. ft. for 160,000 I believe. But man, was that apartment cute. So tiny and in the city. It had a lofted bed. An actual bathroom. The bed area was so cool though. I would love to get an apartment like her.

From seeing that I think about how I live now. I am still so far from being a minimalist. I look around and see so much stuff. Mostly furniture. That and electronics. My media cabinet thing has so much in it. I mean if I were to move to Paris, hypothetically, I think I could give up a lot. Everything in it probably. I'd like a TV and something to play my iPod. But that's it. But the way I live now is that I would need my TV. I spend so much time watching tv, but what else am I going to do? Computer? Attempt to paint? That's about it. I'm not close enough to anything to walk. Ahh suburbs :/

Why are people looked at so oddly for wanting to live in small spaces in the U.S.? Oh wait you don't want to be in debt? You're not trying to keep up with the Jones's? You don't want a giant gas guzzling SUV? No. Yes I've been given a lot of opportunities being born in this country, but most of the people in this country drive me crazy. How big your house is does not equal how good of a person you are. Sorry to be ranting, but I just see so much of that in the city I live in where it's not uncommon to see Porches driving down the road. It's actually fairly common. I probably see about 5-6 a week. Probably more. 

Anyway, that episode made me very happy. I loved the apartment, it was close to perfect. I want to go to Europe so badly.

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