Friday, April 22, 2011

Not Really Sure

I've been pretty busy lately with school work and stuff so I haven't really had a chance to work on anything minimal wise. Also, I've been getting back into art lately which I'm very happy about. I think I decided that I really want to focus on water color. Acrylic paint just takes up so much space. Also whenever I paint, I tend to do a pen and watered down acrylic technique. So I figured that water color could replace that. What I'm planning on doing is painting one or two last paintings using my acrylic paint trying to use as much of it as I can and then either chuck or sell the rest. I've had a lot of it for a few years now, and obviously haven't used it. Also, I have a bunch of prisma colors (a pack of 24) that I just don't use. I've had them since like my sophmore year of high school. (close to 5 years) oh wow that's so long ago! I went to office depot and saw the same set that was sold for like $30 I believe. So they're worth a lot and I don't use them. I could sell them but who would buy them? Nobody. I really wished I used them, but I'm just more into painting. I guess we'll see what happens. Oh yeah, today I bought a set of watercolors in like the cake form if you want to call it that. Also an easel, a plastic case for brushes and a new pallet. I didn't realize until I got home that the easel is more for oil and acrylic painting but we'll see. There was some kind of deal that was going on so I got like $5 off of it (it was only like $12) but I didn't know that until I got to the register.

Oh yeah, my media thing looks a ton better. I'm so glad I bought it. It makes my room look less cluttered. Man I can't wait until I get where I'm with everything I need and love. It's taking so long unfortunately. Sometimes I feel like I'll never get there. I feel like I'll never be satisfied and that kind of scares me. Well I guess I'll stop writing for now. I have school tomorrow morning and want to get some stuff done before I head to bed.

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