Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just Writing

I'm not exactly sure what I want to write about, but I kind of just feel like writing. I feel like I've kind of hit a bump in the minimalist road if you couldn't tell from my [odd] last post. I really felt like I was starting to get to where I wanted, until I went through that attic. I remembered when I put some of the stuff in there that I wasn't completely sure if I wanted to get rid of it or not. There's probably about 10-15 clothing items I came across that I couldn't stand to see go. For half of it, because I need clothes. The other half, because they are shirts that my fiance likes on me or are some kind of band t-shirt that I got from a concert or something (which are always expensive).

I'm kind of frustrated with myself, because I want to go as digital as possible, but there are a few things I really want to not have but can't get rid of. For example, I don't want to get rid of a couple of cds and dvds because they are rare. The band (my favorite) ( I have a cd and dvd for them) technically doesn't exist anymore. They were an artsy group comprised of members of other bands that only created three albums, played 4 shows, and deleted their website a few months after the last album came out.

There are a few other things that are just favorites that I know I'll miss. I really don't want to want them, but I just do. Oh well, I guess a little media won't hurt. Keep only what is useful and beautiful. Those are my minimalist words to live by, so I guess it fits!

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