Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Last night I cut my hair about 1.5-2 inches. It was somewhat spontaneous. I probably should've just spent the money and got it done professionally, but I couldn't wait. My hair was tangling so bad and I couldn't stand another day. (sounds dramatic, but I really couldn't) But MAN, does it feel healthier. it's so much softer and you can actually see the waves in it. It's crazy how taking off a couple inches or so can make the rest of your hair so much more shiny and healthy. I'm happy with it for it being free.

Man I really wanna start eating better! We've been eating so bad lately. Cause we haven't gone grocery shopping since before we got the house. I'd really, really like to start running once we move in. The neighborhood is for the most part a figure 8, so it's perfect for it. I just had a super carby/fatty dinner that I'm kind of regretting.

Man I'm so tired of playing this waiting game! First it was getting the keys, now it's waiting for the floors to get done so we can move in.

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