Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Sorry for my lack of posts! As you can imagine I've been very busy with the house. My life since we got the house has consisted of working at my job, working on the house, and sleeping. We are pretty close to done. The kitchen needs another coat and the master bath needs some work. We got all the wallpaper off...finally. Man that was hell. The guys got the bulk of it off and I got all the nitty gritty bits off. It took several hours, but it's done now. The walls are still a mess though. Even though I got all the residue off it didn't come cheap. There are lots of gouges in wall. Most of them not from me. But Daniels going to fill all the spots tomorrow. Then we'll have to sand after that, and then we can finally paint. That master bath doesn't have to be done before we move in though. Hopefully we meet with the floor people this week.

I'm getting so antsy to move in! But we can't until the floors are done.

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