Friday, February 8, 2013

Photo Info

So I tried typing in my last post, but it wouldn't show my text. I couldn't be bothered trying to figure it out. Those pictures are the work being done on the house. Not really in any particular order. They're in a order in the folder it uploaded from, but for some reason uploaded in a different order. I couldn't be bothered to fix it, so I'll let you figure out the order of them.

We finally finished painting today!!! It feels really good. Well, the trim isn't done. So all the bright white that got painted can't really be appreciated until the trim and doors are painted as well. Because now, it's very obvious how old the paint is and looks very yellow.We met with the floor guy today too! He's coming out to measure at 11:30 tomorrow. So he should be able to have it done next week! I'm getting so excited. I can't wait to finally move in!

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