Thursday, February 14, 2013


I have been feeling down literally the entire day and I really don't know why. Maybe I'm just tired of waiting for the house. I think most of it is the shock that the money we had for fixing up the house and furniture and stuff is getting spent. Yeah, I think that's what it is. That and the fact that Daniel has expensive taste.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Last night I cut my hair about 1.5-2 inches. It was somewhat spontaneous. I probably should've just spent the money and got it done professionally, but I couldn't wait. My hair was tangling so bad and I couldn't stand another day. (sounds dramatic, but I really couldn't) But MAN, does it feel healthier. it's so much softer and you can actually see the waves in it. It's crazy how taking off a couple inches or so can make the rest of your hair so much more shiny and healthy. I'm happy with it for it being free.

Man I really wanna start eating better! We've been eating so bad lately. Cause we haven't gone grocery shopping since before we got the house. I'd really, really like to start running once we move in. The neighborhood is for the most part a figure 8, so it's perfect for it. I just had a super carby/fatty dinner that I'm kind of regretting.

Man I'm so tired of playing this waiting game! First it was getting the keys, now it's waiting for the floors to get done so we can move in.

Monday, February 11, 2013


I can't remember if I wrote about this or not, but the floors aren't starting until Friday :( That means another week we won't be able to move in. I know it'll be worth it though, but I'm tired of waiting!

Today, we went over there and we brought over most of our kitchen stuff. That made me happy and feel a little better about the floors. We also cleaned the cabinets and stuff before. However, it didn't make much of a difference. So we bought the no-slip stuff that covers the bottom of cabinets. We bought 6 rolls and that only covered about half of the counter space. So we'll have to buy more. We also went ahead and replaced all the outlet covers and light switches since most were either grimy, painted on from the previous owners, or poor quality.

We're going to go to ikea tomorrow to start looking at furniture. I pretty much know what I want for the most part.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Photo Info

So I tried typing in my last post, but it wouldn't show my text. I couldn't be bothered trying to figure it out. Those pictures are the work being done on the house. Not really in any particular order. They're in a order in the folder it uploaded from, but for some reason uploaded in a different order. I couldn't be bothered to fix it, so I'll let you figure out the order of them.

We finally finished painting today!!! It feels really good. Well, the trim isn't done. So all the bright white that got painted can't really be appreciated until the trim and doors are painted as well. Because now, it's very obvious how old the paint is and looks very yellow.We met with the floor guy today too! He's coming out to measure at 11:30 tomorrow. So he should be able to have it done next week! I'm getting so excited. I can't wait to finally move in!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Sorry for my lack of posts! As you can imagine I've been very busy with the house. My life since we got the house has consisted of working at my job, working on the house, and sleeping. We are pretty close to done. The kitchen needs another coat and the master bath needs some work. We got all the wallpaper off...finally. Man that was hell. The guys got the bulk of it off and I got all the nitty gritty bits off. It took several hours, but it's done now. The walls are still a mess though. Even though I got all the residue off it didn't come cheap. There are lots of gouges in wall. Most of them not from me. But Daniels going to fill all the spots tomorrow. Then we'll have to sand after that, and then we can finally paint. That master bath doesn't have to be done before we move in though. Hopefully we meet with the floor people this week.

I'm getting so antsy to move in! But we can't until the floors are done.

Monday, February 4, 2013

We're in (kind of)

Well we got the keys, but were still doing work. Actually just painting. Once we completely finish that, we're going to do floors. Then, we're going to move in. We still have a couple rooms to do and a couple to touch up, but were getting there. I estimated a week for painting, but I'm guessing we'll need an extra two days. Maybe 3 max. But for the floors, we're thinking of hiring someone.

I'm a little disappointed with the way one of the colors turned out. It looks more light blue than grey, but I'm crossing my fingers once we get the trim bright white, as opposed to yellowy white, it'll look more clean and gray. But I get my white walls upstairs ;) finally. That makes me a happy girl.

Man I can't wait to move in. It sucks having to go back and forth between houses. And every time we leave I'm always really sad. Because right now it feels like more of a place to hang out than it does home. But it'll come. I'm hoping the floors will move a lot quicker if we do actually hire someone.