Wednesday, November 28, 2012


No my title doesn't mean anything. Just random keys. Looking for a house is so difficult. These houses aren't sitting anymore. The majority of the houses I see online say they're under contract. It's rather discouraging. But I mean I guess most houses get bid on. So I guess we're gonna have to get used to that. I keep trying not to look, but it's so hard. I don't want to get my heart set on something and then have it bought before we get pre approved. We're going to try to get pre approved this week possibly. We're waiting for some money to come in the bank. But we haven't received the check yet and there will probably be a 10 day hold on it.

It's all I can think about. I keep trying to get my mind off it but I can't. I just keep imagining waking up Christmas morning next to Daniel, looking at our tree, cooking up some breakfast and just relaxing in our house. Just us. I know even if we were to close today we probably wouldn't be in the house by Christmas. Maybe we would idk. I'm just so ready to start my life. I kind of have already but it's not really the same since we live with Daniel's mom.

Just gotta pray for patience and that we get a house.

Friday, November 23, 2012

House fever

I want a house so unbelievably bad. We have money for a down payment but we don't make enough income steadily (I'm guessing, we haven't tried to get pre-approved yet). That's all I can think about is getting a house. It's also kind of disappointing because the housing market is starting to turn back around and we wanted to get something before that happened. I work a double today, but I'd like to turn in at least one application. Also, Daniels mom said she would help us with bills and stuff until we get on our feet. However, I don't think that will really help us on paper. On paper, we can afford the mortgage payment, but not many bills in addition to that. And we're not looking at that pricey of houses either ($80,000-$100,000).

I can't wait until we are living on our own. I will be so happy! It sucks though because they have a lot of nice houses for cheap, but they aren't in a great area. I keep getting my heart set on these houses because of how nice they are. There is one that Daniel and I both really like. It isn't as nice as the houses in Lawrenceville (bad area). But it's still nice and it's in the city we want. It's only been on the market 12 days though and I'm scared its going to go quick.

I guess we're going to try and get pre qualified. Daniels mom has some friends who are real estate agents and I think we may try to go through them. Hopefully we can do it soon. Like within the next few days, but I keep forgetting today is Friday. I'm so excited though. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard not to at the same time.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nice Morning

I'm in a good mood this morning. I've got a nice cup of tea, my favorite band playing over my ihome, a nice Christmasy smelling yankee candle, my room is mostly clean and I'm just relaxing. No work today since I asked for it off. This is the first day I've been able to relax since we left off the ship. I've been extremely anxious lately. Just worried about the future I guess.

It kind of sucks when your operating system doesn't support the new versions of anything. I would buy the new one, but it sounds like you have to go through a load of crap and buy previous operating systems. Gotta love apple. It has it's pros, but it definitely has its cons too.

I have so much tea! Daniel bought me a tea box as a wedding present and it has 8 slots in it and each slot holds 8 bags of tea. I also have several boxes in addition to that. It kind of sucks though because the tea that came with the box isn't very good. :( I'm gonna make a sampler pack for my mom. I grabbed 3 of every flavor I have (probably 13 flavors). So hopefully that knocks out a chunk. There's still quite a bit left. I really want to buy some good tea that I know I'll like, but I'd like to go through some of that first. I'm out of my favorite tea and have been for quite some time. It's the chai tea from Bigelow. So freakin' good. I've really been wanting some of those teas lately with the pyramid bag. I remember those being really good. I haven't had it in probably two years.

Man I love this cold weather. It makes me so happy. I'd really love to learn to knit this winter. I tried last winter and didn't really learn that much, because I gave up. I don't even know what I want to make, but just something. I should probably shower soon. I don't feel like it, but I need to lol.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Finally sorted through all the stuff I've been needing too. I got rid of the majority of what needs to be gotten rid of, but I'm kinda sitting on the rest of it for now. I bought some woven baskets forms target today. Man those things are expensive! I've been wanting some for probably a year or so now. I bought 2. I feel like I should've got 3 just so I would have a set (I think most people do 3). But 2 is probably a good number too. I also only really have room for 2 right now. Unless I bought a third one to out my shoes in. Then, I would have room lol. ANYWAY, I like them. Probably better than buying plastic ones. Oh yeah, I'm using them to store my winter accessories. I probably have too many scarves, but I love scarves.

I really want to get away from bath and body works. I have so many of their sprays! I have such a love hate relationship with that company. But this time I really want to stop for good, because the chemicals are so bad. I would really love to use more natural things. I felt pretty good about buying those baskets because they're not plastic. Buying natural things is difficult, but if I have the option, I would like to choose more natural materials.

Pinterest has been inspiring me lately with all the pictures I've seen of beautifully wrapped packages and gifts. I guess Target got the same idea, because they have some really cute ribbon and stuff in the dollar section. I nabbed some sticker gift tags, some red and white string, and a variety pack of string. I'm guessing its not going to go very far since everything was $1 a piece, but that's ok. I don't like hanging onto stuff like that. I've really been in the holiday spirit lately.

I'm so inspired by Vappu I think her name is at
I think I may have spoke about her before but I love her blog. Every time I read her blog I'm inspired to be more minimal and live more simply. I even probably like her better than Francine at Miss Minimalist, because Vappu is more real to me. And I love the photography on her blog. And not to mention I think she's Finnish, not sure about that though. But all around probably my role model for minimalism.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Since the wedding, I've been really overwhelmed with all the keepsakes from the wedding. This is the first chance I've had to even go through anything. I just got back from the cruise today around 5 or so.  I tried going through it a little bit before we left, but it was paralyzing almost. I made a little progress going through stuff tonight. It'll take me a while to get back on track.

I want to travel to Scandinavia so bad. Any country or all! Preferably either Finland or Sweden. I just love their culture and design so much. Everything about those countries are cool.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The wedding went great! It couldn't have gone better! However, I now have an overflow of wedding stuff! I'm not really sure what to do with it all. Save it I suppose.

I'm really overwhelmed with all the stuff I've been accumulating lately :( but most of it is stuff I use. I did have to get a lot of stuff for the wedding though like make up and jewelry I didn't end up using. I'll just have to go through it all when we get back from the cruise. I'm also anxious about merging rooms with Daniel. We're going to be moving into a bigger room upstairs. Right now, that room is jam packed with stuff. Ugh I don't even want to think about it. I just hope whenever we buy a house it has a walk in closet and also a basement. Cause I don't think I can convince Daniel to get rid of any of his stuff.

I guess I'll just wait until after the cruise to go through everything.