Monday, October 29, 2012

6 days!!

So in 6 days I'm going to be Mrs. McCormick! These last couple months have flown by! But I'm very excited! Really nervous though. Not about marrying Daniel but about how my make up, hair, and pictures will turn out.

I'm really looking forward to the cruise too! It's gonna be so fun!

These last couple weeks have been very nerve wracking. I'll be glad when were on the cruise and can just relax.

The loose ends really have me nervous. We haven't paid for catering yet and we haven't done the paperwork with our photographer. I'm nervous about my hair not turning out as well. Oh and I have to bustle my dress myself. I tried it previously but kind of messed up. I need to try again.

It's so hard to relax when it's basically 5 days until our wedding.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Facebook promoting posts?

Bullcrap. I hate how we really just can't get away from ads and promoting. I really hope I can stick with deactivating my account when I do it.

Little House on the Praire

That series is so nostalgic for me. I've actually been rereading them (the first one anyway). I know they're mostly children's books, but they're just so entertaining to read. I mostly just love reading about how simple everything was. I'm almost jealous in a way. I know it was hard work having to basically grow or raise everything you eat. So minimal.

I've thought about it and I feel like the 80's were like the last of "simple" times. I just have watched home videos and heard stories from when my parents were married and before they were married and it just seemed so much more simple and more fun. Although the growth of technology was essential, it just seems kind of nice to live in a time when you aren't being bombarded by messages of what people are doing and their thoughts. When you didn't know what anyone else was up to unless you called them or ran into them.

I'm thinking about deactivating my facebook after Daniel and I get married. You know just to soak up all the congratulations. lol. There's really nobody I talk to on there. It's mostly just posting statuses and hoping people like them.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I'm a little irritated because I started writing this blog earlier, then I accidentally closed out of it. So lately I've been super interested in Lush products! For those of you who don't know, it's a company that makes handmade bath and body products using lots of natural ingredients. Two bad sides though, it's expensive, and a lot of their products have sulfates and parabens :( But I'm excited that I've found a consumable addiction. Not that it's good money wise. I'm just hoping that I'll spent money on this instead of bath and body works since their products have a TON more chemicals. Lush stuff is just so fun. It smells really natural. They always add fun stuff to their soaps and bath bombs.

My computer is working now! Daniel bought me a new hard drive and installed it and now it runs perfectly! :D So that's super exciting!

I've been kind of disappointed in myself though about being minimal. It used to be so easy! But now I'm really struggling with it. I think it's because I have actually regretted a few things I've gotten rid of. Also, right now I really don't have that many clothes. I'm mostly lacking in shirts. Well I still need like 1 or 2 more pairs of nice skinny jeans.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I just feel like writing. iPads apparently are no longer fans of blogger. Every time I go to the website I get an error. Anyway, the minimal vs. non-minimal struggle between spouses has already begun and we're not even married. I'm not really surprised, nor am I complaining, just mentioning. I brought up the whisks to Daniel. He told me he doesn't want to have bare pantries. But he also told me yesterday he hates whisks. Maybe I can convince him that we can put the money towards the knife set he really wants.

I'm listening to the new Animal Collective album. It's soooo good. I really didn't get to listen to it as much as I wanted to before the concert on Sunday. That is a direct result of my hard drive crashing. Right now, I'm listening to it on Daniel's computer. I really need to put all my music on his mac, so that way I can sync my phone and actually add music to my phone. I miss my mac like crazy. After the wedding I should be able to put my money towards a hard drive.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bridal Shower

I had my bridal shower a few days ago and it was pretty fun! However, we now have 3 measuring cups : / Daniel wants all 3. We got 2 (either 2 cup or 4 cup I can't remember) ones, and a one cup. We did get a couple other duplicates, but we already swapped those out for a gift card and spent it. lol. Oh yeah we also have 4 cutting boards : / Which I guess is our fault since we asked for all of them. lol. Oh well, we do use those and measuring cups a lot. This experience of getting gifts has been very exciting! So far we haven't received any big ticket things, which I was kind of hoping for. But the gift giving hasn't stopped yet! I'm thankful for what we've received so far. It seems like we're off to a good start without anything overly in excess besides what I already talked about. Just remembered, 3 whisks also and also our fault. I may consider taking those back I think she gave us the gift receipt. That was also on the same receipt with one of the cutting boards. I have a feeling Daniel isn't going to want to take those back.

It's pretty much getting down to the line with wedding stuff. I'm kind of worried though because there's a few key things we haven't taken care of yet: flowers, cake, and food. I think we'll get it figured out though. We kind of have to. I'm getting really, really excited. I just wish those things were taken care of.