Tuesday, December 6, 2011

On Christmas break!!

I'm done with all my finals! I got a B in accounting 2! hehe I got a B in accounting 1 and 2, when statistically most people get one letter grade lower. Also after pulling my moms leg I got my tuition paid for! I'm so thankful! That's such a huge weight lifted off of me! The only thing I need to worry about now is turning in my paper work to graduate (with my associates) after this semester. It shouldn't be too bad. Now (well after Christmas) I can finally start looking for something better job wise! I'm really excited. I'm so happy to be on break. After a 5 day a week semester this is really nice.

Now I can spend time doing stuff I really want to do, blogging, learning to knit better, hang out with my mom. Maybe some yoga. Oh yeah more good news! I think I found a type of contacts that works with my eyes! I'm ecstatic! I haven't bought them yet, but I have in a trial pair. My eyes get a little blood shot, but nothing near what it was before after wearing them for only like an hour. They're supposed to let in more oxygen or something like that. It's been awesome! I've felt so much more confident about myself.

Not much going on minimalism wise. Just been enjoying it I guess. lol. I'm feeling pretty optimistic :) I actually don't feel like I have anything to write about lol.

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