Monday, October 10, 2011


I wonder if I were to box up all my possessions how much I would have. Not including furniture. I would imagine like 6 or 7 big storage bins worth. I have 3 storage bin things right now, 1 of keepsakes (diploma, trophy, yearbooks etc.), 1 with future type stuff (plastic bowls I got at walmart that are greyscale and plates, drawer organizer), 1 with art. I want to take a picture of a lot of the art and get rid of it because it's really not all that great. Not worth keeping a paper copy of. Besides those bins I don't have much. Clothes winter and summer, shoes, beauty products, sketchbooks, a small box of art supplies, my electronics and media that go along with it, bags, a little bit of office supplies, important documents, some decor, that's about it. I guess I really don't have that much. Those bins are throwing it for me. I really shouldn't be keeping those future type things, but I couldn't resist because I really liked them. And I wanted them before I bought them, then they went on sale. I wish we would've been able to buy cups too but they didn't have any. If we don't use them or end up not liking them I can always donate them.

I'm so scared that when we get married everyone is going to A) give us ugly hand me downs or B) buy stuff assuming we will like it because they like it. Honestly I really don't want people to give us much when we get married. We're both really picky. Me more so than Daniel though. Appliances are really the only think I want. Not even that many. A coffee maker maybe, a rice cooker, blender, toaster. I can't think of anything being useful besides that. Also cooking spoons and spatulas would be nice. But even those me and Daniel want something specific (bright colors). I kind of hate how picky and specific I am. I just know what I like.

I'm realizing I'm really not a gift kind of person. The last 3 or 4 Christmases all I've gotten from my parents was a desk, a chair for that desk, a heater for my room, a big flat screen tv, a media shelf thing, a blu ray player, an ipod nano, a straightener, a nice abercrombie jacket (from ebay for like $70, pretty good deal). I really don't get anything extra. Yes these are all really nice things. And they've all survived my minimalist twister. However, now I'm getting to the point where I have everything I need. Now I'm becoming a gift card kind of person. I actually really like gift cards. I can use them for make up, beauty products, clothes, cheap jewelry. Sure they're impersonal. But I'm inpersonal. I hate to be that way, but completely honestly if I don't like something I won't use it. None of us do. I know it puts people in a weird position though because everyone is so accustomed to buying things for people. I can't wait til I'm 21 so I can tell people to just buy me a six pack or something lol. I'm definitely a consumables kind of person. I'd much rather get a bottle of local hot sauce when you go out of town than a flip flop key chain with a location printed on it.

I've been thinking about minimalism and marriage. Daniel specifically. And trying to think of how everything is going to play out when we move in to our own place. I've realized that Daniel is actually pretty minimal. Besides his computer and music stuff. Which is his hobby so I don't mind. I wish he'd get rid of some of his older computer equipment though. Stuff I know he won't use. But that's really my only complaint. He really doesn't have many clothes. That's probably a guy thing though. Also he doesn't get attached to things as easily as some people. Me included. I've watched him just toss t-shirts with no regrets. That probably shouldn't be a turn on but it is. lol. He really doesn't buy much either. Just stuff to improve things he already has. Also he tends to sell stuff that just lays around. So I think everything will be ok in the minimalist aspect.

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