Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stuff going on lately

I'd say there's a lot going on in my little minimalist world lately. Lately, I've been more ruthless with getting rid of things. I realized I would never get to where I want by holding on to things that I know I won't use. I just want to get to my goal so bad. I mean there is no set list of things I want to get rid of or only have. I guess there kind of is for what I want to get rid of, but stuff is always being added. I just want to be happy with my possessions and I want to be there NOW. Sometimes I feel like it will never happen.

So I've decided I no longer want my stereo. I definitely want to replace it with an iHome. I know the stereo will sound better, but to me having something that takes up like 1/8 of the space and looks better, but may sound worse is worth it to me. Stereos are just kind of outdated with everyone having iPods. I use mine now for my iPod with a 3ft long cable (super obnoxious). Not only that but I have the newest iPod and it's like and 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 so it just looks ridiculous attached to that cable. This is the one I want:

So in addition to that, I've decided to just throw out my acrylic paint and a water color palette that kind of sucks. (I bought a better one) I've seriously had that paint since I've moved here and if I haven't used it much in almost 5 years then I'm not going to. Wow I can't believe I've lived here that long. Anyway, the paint just stresses me out. I decided that I only want my sketching pencils, watercolors and prisma colors (expensive colored pencils. The box I have goes for about $30). I don't use the prisma colors either, but I have needed colored pencils for school in the past so I figured I may as well just use them. (Usually I use cheap colored pencils for school). Yeah it's wasting money, but hey I've had them for like 5 years also and have barely used them, so why not?

Also, I've been going through different things in my room that I've needed to such as my sewing box and this box with like screws and nails it in. My sewing box still needs a ton more work. But the box with the compartments and screws and stuff in it I just ended up throwing most of it out. It was mostly replacements pieces for the cheap particle board furniture I have which I know I won't need. I managed to completely empty it and only keep a few things and put them in a soft "zippered pencil case" in my desk.

That pencil pouch or whatever you want to call it holds all my office supplies. I have other stuff in there too like a pair of extra headphones, staples, staple remover, lens cleaning cloths, stuff like that. It works well because my desk has very shallow drawers so it can lay flat.

The main things that have priority of getting rid of or doing are:

- Selling stereo/buying iHome
- Scanning papers
- Making DVD's digital then selling them when completed
- Finishing that same pencil eyeliner
- Finishing a spray I have (I like the smell of it, but just don't want it for some reason)

There's also some stuff I want to buy or replace (I'll admit it, I'm a minimalist that likes buying stuff ;)

- Good set of coasters
- Replace 3 hole punch (mine is broken and teal) I'd rather get a black one
- Clear glass with clear gems or stones for my bamboo (I have two bamboo plants. I want to give my mom one that is only a single stalk. I want to keep the other one and replace the pot with the clear stuff and then use it's current pot for a change dish for Daniel. The one I have for him now takes up too much space)
- Some kind of basket or container for my purses and bags
- Maybe a basket or container for my shoes
- Some kind of natural shampoo and maybe conditioner
- Maybe some kind of natural body wash (I just bought Dr. Bronner's magic soap, but I don't know if I like it)

I think that's it for now. I just bought a new hair brush today cause my other one was really old and nasty. And red. I tried cleaning it with hot soapy water, but the only actual soap we have is crappy and actually made it worse because now the dirt sticks. So I bought a new black and silver one from CVS. I can't wait until I get "there". I'm getting closer and closer :)

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