Saturday, May 28, 2011

A picture says a thousand words doesn't it?

I found this picture through a google search typing in something along the lines of "parisian apartment". I just fell in love with the picture. It's pretty much exactly my style. Very minimal, clean lines, airy, neutral. I just love it. I also love how bright it is and the fresh flowers on the window sill. And white walls.
I don't think I'm the only one that feels like people think white walls are something to ashamed of. I was reading the blog zero waste home and the blogger wrote an entry addressing how people criticize her for having white walls. Why is that? Why is it so wrong? Well I support her. There's nothing wrong with not wanting color. Sometimes I feel like there is, but that's just pressure getting to me. It's just someone's taste. It doesn't mean they're cold, or boring. 

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