Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm afraid of things not matching

And it bothers me. I am a perfectionist and I feel like if everything doesn't match I won't be happy. I know I've mentioned this before. I just don't like color. Is that wrong?

The other day, Daniel and I were at Dick's Sporting Goods. We're planning a camping trip and were looking for things we may need. To produce less waste, we were looking at reusable camping plates and things like that. They had mess kits and they had plastic plates. From the plates alone, there were only two colors to choose from, blue and green. There were also these plastic mess kits that were yellow/black or red/black. I wanted metal. Which they had but was like $8 a plate. (I obviously would only need one) But Daniel told me I was too picky because I wouldn't get one of the cheap plastic ones because it was a color I didn't like. And he was right. I didn't end up buying anything. Mostly because I don't have money. But I was thinking, am I being picky, or am I just being smart? I know that if I buy something I don't love, I will end up wanting to get rid of it. When the time rolls around I will probably end up buying the metal one.

As mentioned before, I watch youtube videos about fashion and stuff. I see outfits and I just think "huh." I can't justify spending $20 on a orange patterned clutch so it matches an outfit. I like fashion, but I don't understand it. I really wish I did. I wish I could get over not liking color. Most of my wardrobe is neutrals. All my bags are neutrals. I just feel like it's wrong to not like color. Almost like it's selfish or something.

So with that said, I get confused when I see something like this (courtesy

Because I like it. I like the way it looks, but I know if I were to do something like this, I would just want to swap it out after a while. I guess I'll just live vicariously through Apartment Therapy until I get over commitment issues. But then again, nobody says I have to like color.

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