Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just relaxing

I just took a way too hot bath with a couple Guinnesses in me. Not a good combo. Still trying to cool down a little bit, but I'm really relaxed which is good.

I'm proud of myself. Lately, I've been working out a bit and eating better :) and actually sticking with it. I've had a few slip ups here and there, but that's ok. You can't only eat healthy food, you'll go crazy. You've got to have a couple soul fulfilling meals. My logic which I'm hoping I'll stick by is "Don't give up." Think about it. Most people after having a binge (when previously eating healthy for a short time period) will give up, because they failed that once. But you can't let that knock you down. If you eat a crappy meal or two, continuing to work out and eat healthy will overcome that.

What's got me motivated is summer. I HATE dreading summer or pool parties because of how I look and feel in a bathing suite. Not having that feeling is worth the waking up earlier to work out and continue eating healthy throughout the day. I'd love to know if I've lost any weight, but we don't have a scale. And honestly, I think I'm gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. But I think I have lost weight. Maybe not a ton, but some. I've pretty much cut out soda. I really haven't had very much and if I have, it's been diet. I've been drinking water and tea mostly. With some cranberry juice and beer thrown in there. For breakfast I've either been eating 2 clementines (or cuties) and a banana, cereal (off brand honey nut clusters or whatever it's called) with a banana, or oatmeal. But mostly the first two. I'm gonna try to remember to buy greek yogurt next time we go shopping. With some berries. Either blueberries or strawberries. I know fruit is supposed to be "healthy", but not in high amounts. Apparently oats are supposed to help speed up your metabolism though. Weird.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I miss carpet

I never thought I'd say it, and I'd never tell Daniel, but I do. These floors are pretty to look at, but are a pain to keep clean. They've actually been really stressful, because we're having to clean the house way more than we would've with carpet. Oh well. Live and learn.

I've been getting overwhelmed with how empty the house is. I know crazy right? We're trying to decorate slowly.

Another thing is the wall colors. I'm not sold. In fact I know I want change. This will definitely happen slowly. I thought I wanted white, but man it shows dirt like crazy. And not only that but since this house is a little older and dingier, everything looks yellow. Like the sinks are very yellowed and the showers. The trim is yellowy. I'm mad at the previous home owners, because I'm pretty sure they painted it that color rather than leaving it white. All the trim and doors need to be painted. It's literally driving me crazy. Perfectionism/OCD is very hard to deal with being a homeowner.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Right now, I'm writing from my backyard. I'm just sitting on a blanket enjoying the warmer weather. It's been so nice. I went for a walk today while Daniel was at work. For exercise, and to scope out the other houses in the neighborhood. I hadn't been down the other street before today. I was happy to find out that our house was one of the nicer ones in the neighborhood. The other ones were nice too, but they weren't really kept up. I do think our house and shutters need to be painted, but the house had a certain charm about it that the other ones didn't. Maybe I'm just a happy homeowner.

I want to decorate so bad! But we can't really afford to right now. I've been thinking about whether I should do an accent wall in my "girl cave" or not. If I did, it would probably be a pastel color. I would do either orange, mint green, or light pink. The decorating thing is really difficult! Even deciding on a style. I want to mix scandinavian with contemporary/"classy", homey, pops of color, and feminine. Doesn't seem easy. I'm gonna try to do it though.

All I keep thinking about style wise is like the homey town houses/apartments you see with the pumpkins outside in the fall and cute wreaths. I keep imagining the smell of cinnamon. I'm imagining oranges and reds. Sounds like fall, but there is a certain feeling I'm aiming for our house to be. Right now it's none of the things I described. It'll just take time. I wanted to go to hobby lobby today and buy some fake flowers (probably hydrangeas or dahlias if they had it) for my girl cave to put on the desk. Real flowers would be better, but I can't afford those.

I'm excited about my new up and coming style. I've kind of always had a thing for it though. It's weird whenever I do something to my room (in the past)/house that I think is my style (scandinavian) I've always been really ocd about it and never satisfied. But when I make the weird purchases that I kind of buy on a whim, I actually end up enjoying those better. Like those orange place mats we bought. I've really liked the way those look. I bought a lamp from target the other night. It was originially for a living room, but we didn't like it in there. It's got a brushed metal silver base with a floral shade with mustard yellow, teal, and hints of black. Pretty feminine, I really like it though. Originally I wanted to do an orange theme in there, but I have a feeling I'll go crazy with orange for the rest of the house,

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sorry for my absence

Since we've moved in we've barely had a day to just sit and relax. We've also found a couple tv shows we've been enjoying together that's also been making writing difficult. But everything's going great. We finally got a second cat, but long story short we're actually taking her back today. She was just too much stress right now. There's so much to write about, but it would take so much time so I'm not going to bother.

Since we've been starting to settle in, we're starting to look at decor. Well I have. I can definitely tell that my taste has changed. Before I wanted no decorations, just plain clean lines everywhere. But I've lived in it a week and I can honestly say it's not what I thought it would be. I've grown bored of it already. Sure I still like dark stuff, but I'm actually starting to want more color. But I'm very happy about this. Like yesterday for example, we bought darker orange with hints of red place mats. Something I never even thought I would buy, then when I do buy it it's in orange. But I like it! It actually makes me happy. Lately I've been into a more classy style again. I kind of go back and forth between Scandinavian and "classy". Oh just a side note, our house is IMPOSSIBLE to keep clean :( dark floors and dark furniture surprisingly show everything. Needless to say we will probably do carpet in the next house. But anyway, you know those houses where you just see the kitchens with wine racks, olive oil, seasonings. That's what I'm talking about when I say classy. Whether it really is or not, I'm not sure, but that's the style I'm referring to.

So world market has that style. I love that store, I just wish we could afford to buy anything we wanted out of it lol.

I just am really surprised for some reason that the scandinavian style has made me slightly depressed in a weird way. Maybe cause it's hard to keep clean, maybe cause it's boring, I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just growing up, or maybe it's just a phase, but right now, it's not doing it for me as is. I'm sure after we start to add some real decor I'll feel better.