Sunday, April 15, 2012


So I've been pretty busy lately with real life! Been having fun with my friend stephanie! We went looking for dresses the other day which was pretty fun. Overwhelming but fun. I haven't bought anything yet :( But I don't have any money plus I have only tried on 3 so far. I'll get something eventually.

Daniel painted my dresser for me today! I helped some, but he did most of it. It's out drying in the garage right now. I'm super happy though! Daniel doesn't think I should paint my desk too but I don't know. I can't wait to bring in my dresser!

I've been trying not to wear as much foundation and power for the last few days. I've only been putting it on "spots". I also bought a toner and moisturizer. The toner actually seems like it's helping! I bought it from a brand called simple I think. The moisturizer is for combination skin. I didn't think people with oily skin needed a moisturizer, but I don't know. I figured it was good for my skin and anti-aging.

Oh yeah my second ombre attempt was better, but still not great. I guess I'm stuck with it not being super light because if it I would've left it on any longer my hair probably would've just vaporized. Just kidding. But yeah my hair is incredibly damaged. I mean you can tell my hair is ombred, but it's still not bleached looking on the ends. Oh well. I'm kind of glad I discovered ombre hair. I think I'm going to do it at least until my roots get to be a decent length so that it will get rid of my reddish-tinted dyed hair.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Thrift Stores

Lately I've really been wanting to go shopping at a thrift store! I've been watching all these thrift hauls on youtube lately and they've really been inspiring me. The pessimist in me is like, you're just gonna buy a bunch of stuff that you're not going to wear and not want in a month. But the fashion part of me is like, do it, it's cheap and you need clothes. So we'll see. I'm just not gonna buy anything unless I'm positive I like it. Cause that's one of the feelings I hate the most is seeing something in your closet/dresser that you may have never even worn. You thought you'd give it a try and it was a waste of money and space. I won't say time though, because I've learned from my mistakes for the most part. Actually kind of time too, because you debate on whether or not you want to get rid of it, which is stressful to me. I know to start listening to Daniel about when not to buy something. Because he's been right on just about every occasion he told me not to. Daniel said we may go tomorrow even though I have work, school, and I need to study for a bit before school. We'll have to be fast. I may try to go once every two weeks or so. I just REALLY need to built my wardrobe. I'm tired of only having a few things to choose from. I know I'll hate the space it takes up, but I think it will be worth it if I feel good in an outfit.

I want to paint my dresser so bad! White of course! I asked Daniel if we could do it today, but he didn't want to. So I asked him if we could do it next weekend, so hopefully he'll want to. I still can't decide about my desk! It might be too much if my dresser is white, my comforter is white, and my walls are off-white. I wish I could paint my walls and my headboard! But they're not mine :(

Yayyy!! I just found out my favorite blogger is back from her "winter sabbatical"! I'm wayy happier than I should be!

But yeah back to thrift stores. I want to go, but I have a really big fear I'm going to start accumulating random crap again if I do! Whenever I got rid of all those boxes of stuff a year ago, probably 70-80% of it was stuff I bought from thrift stores. Sad huh? When I bought the stuff I thought it was cool. Some of it was like heh, I'll try it out see how I like it. Idk. It's probably an irrational fear since my mindset has completely changed since then. I really haven't been buying anything I regret (besides a few beauty products I've mentioned before, but I'm not super worried about those.) As far as non-consumable things. I've been pretty good! It makes me so, so happy. Because I'm saving money, time, useless effort (in searching and buying), and stress. I honestly can't remember the last "material" thing I've bought that I regret. So I don't even know why I'm worried about it! Actually I just remembered a shirt I bought right when it was getting cold. I need to try it on again, but I haven't worn it yet. Idk if that's fair though since it's a summer shirt and it's just starting to get warm. The shirt I'm talking about it like asymmetrical and it may show some of my skin on the side of my stomach, but I'm not sure. I need to try it on.

Right now I have all my clothes in my dresser, but I'm almost thinking about going back to my closet. Because if I start building my wardrobe, I won't have enough room in my dresser. At least to have it in an organized way.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I somewhat ombred my hair! It still needs another round, but so far it looks pretty good! I'm not exactly sure why it didn't dye the upper parts of my hair as much. Because I seriously dyed from like a little below my ears to the tips. I guess I didn't apply enough bleach. I'm gonna do it again in probably in a week or two. I may keep doing this until my hair grows all the way out depending on how long the trend stays in style. My hair actually looks pretty weird in the picture, but who knows that's probably always what it looks like.

Friday, April 6, 2012,m

I can never think of titles for my blogs. I've been watching a lot of youtube lately at night, cause I've had nothing better to do. I love seeing what other people buy and how other people do things. It's like an accepted way to creep on someone if you think about it. I really wish I was more fashionable! Daniel and I went to the mall today, but we actually went shopping. His mom got me a $50 gift card for easter! woot woot! So we first went to charlotte russe and spent a good 30-45 minutes there. He actually helped me pick stuff out which I really appreciated. He actually has a decent sense of fashion. I'm really glad because I get so overwhelmed. He will like pick something up that I completely walked past and it will be decent. I however though, didn't have much luck at charlotte russe. Daniel helped me pick out like 5 shirts. I tried them all on, but I just really wasn't in love with any of them. So feeling pretty sad, we left and went to papaya. I actually had much better luck there. I only bought 4 things, but I felt they were worth it since all I ever buy are fitted t-shirts and plain tank tops. I bought a black blazer which I saw a korean girl carrying around. I always love their fashion and have been tossing around the idea of a blazer, so I found it. It has like striped sleeved on the inside, but the outside is black or navy. I think black though, I always have a hard time telling. Then I saw this light pink somewhat flowy, I guess tank top. It's pretty fancy looking and I can wear it under the blazer. I then bought this black embellished/beaded tank top that's pretty fancy as well. Then I got this sort of button up tank top with birds on it, but still not plain. All that came out to $67. Gasp! That's a lot of money for me, but I felt it was worth it to buy fancier/classier clothes. I need to just buy like one shirt every time I go to the mall, so that way it's not as expensive. I need to stop spending my money on stupid shit like snacks at gas stations and buy clothes.

I know I'll be happier if I feel good in what I'm wearing, and feel that I look good. I really would've liked to ombre my hair tonight. I would've had the perfect opportunity. I wanted to buy the bleach yesterday when we went to get crickets for Daniel's chameleon, but he forgot his wallet at home and wanted to hurry and get home. Then today we went out, but I forgot about it until after we already passed Sally's. So maybe I'll go tomorrow and do it before work. I know it's gonna fry the shit out of my hair, but I just want to do it. I'll just have to deep condition even more often. I feel like it should actually get pretty light though. I'm only going to use 30 vol developer because my hair is already really damaged and I already have some from when I did my hair red. My roots are finally starting to come in! I'd say probably 3/4 of an inch. Some of it may be regrowth from when I dyed my hair red, then dyed it ash blonde and the blonde rinsed out. I don't know if it's because of my hair or what (probably), but that ion brilliance hair dye from sally's rinses out of my hair sooo easily. Like the ash blonde was gone out of my hair within like the first week or two. I don't even know how that's possible! Oh well, I don't even need to worry about that since I'm not dying it anymore except for the ombre, which isn't technically dye.

It really sucks sometimes when you kind of have bad genes. I mean I know I could definitely be a lot worse off. I just hate how hairy I am! It really drives my crazy. Like I probably spend at least 2-3 hours thinking about it a day. I'm sure most people probably don't even notice it, but I can't look anywhere on my body without seeing it. It makes me really sad. I guess that's what I get for being Italian.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So I'm thinking of actually ombre-ing my hair. I know I'm trying to get it natural, but the bottom of my hair is still dyed, so why not have fun with it? I was going to wait until my dark ends grew out, but then I thought, why not bleach over them? I saw a video of this girl whose hair was ombre (LINK: she had like 3 different colors: roots, old dyed hair, and ombre ends. That video convinced me to do it. I figured it would be cool and appropriate for summer. I know it will fry the crap out of my hair, but I think it will be worth it. It won't be all of my hair anyway. If I'm going to do it, now would probably be the best time to since I'm not at a serious job or anything.

Oh yeah! The other day I went to Ulta for the first time! It was pretty overwhelming with beauty products EVERYWHERE. It was awesome though. Anyway, I know what I'm getting for my b-day from Daniel! because I picked it out. hehe! He bought me the first naked pallette! It also came with either the de-slick make up setting spray or some sort of finishing powder. I picked the spray since I figured it would be easier to use up and I think it keeps oil on your face down. Which I have a problem with. I haven't actually received it yet though, since he's holding it for my birthday. Which I can't wait for! I want to buy a nice dress or something. Every girl's gotta look good on her birthday right?

But yeah, I hope to ombre my hair within the next two weeks, if I do it. I feel really anxious for some reason :( I hate that.

Monday, April 2, 2012

I've ben so proud of myself lately

I've been slipping on eating right, but I have been doing better than I was. Also, I've been running lately. Something I had been wanting to do and now I finally have. Now I gotta stick with it. I don't think it'll be hard though because I've actually been enjoying it. Whenever I don't have a cramp anyway. I mean I'm probably not even running a mile, but I gotta start somewhere.