Thursday, September 20, 2012


So I deleted my tumblr account. I never got on it much anyway. I prefer blogger since tumbler is mainly for pictures. It's rather annoying be attatched to so many different websites. If I could disconnect from all but Facebook, blogger, pinterest, instagram, and YouTube I would. Man how times have changed since even 10 years ago.

On a different note, I decided to go back to my "book of goals" thing. It turns out I function better when I have one. It also just eases my mind. I found the PERFECT notebook for it.  It's a two pack of the smallest notebook from moleskine. They're tiny, lightweight, black, AND my favorite part, the pages are perforated! So whenever I fill out a page I can just tear it out without the entire notebook coming apart! I'm wayy more excited than I should be. Lol. The notebook that I was using just wasn't working for me. The art on the pages were gorgeous. It just wasn't lined and I didn't like the openness of it. It also was big to carry around and started to come apart when I ripped out pages. I really love the new one. I don't know what I'm going to use the other notebook for yet. I may just wait until I finish the first one then use it for the same thing.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I've been inspired to be more minimal lately, but I don't really know how. Or what action to take rather. It's so annoying because I feel like I want to be more minimal, but there's really nothing else to let go of. I guess there is but I'm not allowing myself to get rid of it. I know if I do I'll just end up replacing it. I think I may have reached my "happy medium" as I'm always talking about. That's why there's nothing else to do. It's kind of frustrating, because I feel like there's still work to be done.


Man it's depressing. I spend more time on there than I should. I'm slowly realizing how much of a joke it is. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely useful stuff on there. It's just the shopping community that gets me. I just saw a youtuber on there and you would not believe the amount of candles, wax tarts or whatever they are and bath products she had. It was sickening! But then a small part of me sees it and wants to buy candles and bath products. I mean things are ok in moderation obviously. I just have to stay away from YouTube for a while. It always makes me want to buy make up too.

Then I was looking at someone I was subscribed to, a health channel, more depressing ness. I really am seeing more and more every day how excessive and obsessive people are in this country. I feel like nobody knows what moderation means!

I really need to get back to my minimalist roots and just relax. Don't worry about make up, don't worry about being über healthy. Just moderate. Have a little make up. Not a "collection" , eat healthy but don't obsess.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


With gas prices being high and Daniels 2008 car approaching 80,000 miles were trying to cut back on driving. I guess that's a good thing too because we won't be tempted to spend as much money if we're not going out as much. But it got me thinking about what there is to do at home. I'm really not a home body at all. With all the pinterest I've been doing lately I've been somewhat inspired to do crafts. But as most minimalists know, crafts really are the opposite of minimal. And are somewhat of a money pit. But I guess if you enjoy it. I always see cool stuff that can be useful. But now that I've been looking, I feel like I can't find as much. It'd be nice to go to hobby lobby and look for stuff but it's closed :(

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I just kind of feel like writing. I don't really have anything in particular to say. I'm feeling kind of sleepy. I'm thinking I may buy this phone bumper soon. They have a pastel teal color (not pictured). I just need something. I bought a cheap case a little while back and it doesn't fit on my ihome :( so I gotta get something else. I've been watching youtube thrift hauls lately, and it has me itching to thrift. I never even find anything so I don't know why I want to
ADORABLE kitchen
I've kind of been more into pastels lately. I'm kind of late to the game since summer is basically over now. I mostly like it in decor. Like this kitchen. Omg it's gorgeous. It's not my usual style, but for some reason I really like it. It's so delicate and girly.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I'm very bored right now. I just watched a house tour not too long ago on youtube and got jealous. It wasn't particularly my style, but it made me happy watching it. I really wish I didn't have such cut and dry style. I actually really don't like only liking black and white things (for the most part). I want a style that is ok if it's not exactly like the object next to it. I want my things to look different from each other, but still connect to each other in some way. I guess I've got to try and stop being so control freak about it.