Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I'm proud of myself! Today I applied for another receptionist job! It's only one job, but I'm proud of myself!

On a minimalist update, I feel like I'm done getting rid of things for the time being. I'm 96% content with what I have right now. I'm still not really a true minimalist, but that's ok. As long as I'm not living in excess. There's some clothes that I'm kind of unsure about, but I'm going to hang on to them for now, because I don't have an alternative. I do need more hangers though. I have like 3 or 4 grocery bags (so they're small) of clothes sitting in my closet right now that I'm unsure about. Everything else I have sitting around is stuff that I'm saving for when we get a place that I know I'll regret if I get rid of it. I have an entire drawer full of reusable cups. It's actually only like 4, but they take up a lot of room. My luggage set, blankets, christmas stuff, keepsakes and off season clothes take up a lot of space too.

I love pinterest, but sometimes I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. It helps me figure out exactly what styles I like and it gives me inspiration, but at the same time, it makes me lust over things. Ugh. I feel like that's how all my time is spent these days is lusting over objects, which I know is horrible. There's just nothing else really to do. Daniel and I always go out to the mall, target, petsmart, thrift stores. Sometimes we go to the park, but we haven't since it's been hot. I know that time should probably be spent looking for jobs. I could also read. I've pretty much given up on art. It just doesn't do it for me anymore. I probably just need more friends.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So my sister keeps hounding me about when I'm going to get my tattoo. I think she wants to get one too. But I think I decided I want to get my feather tattoo when I get a real job. It will be like a permanent pat on the back to myself.

I hate how unmotivated I am. I really wish I could change that about myself. I have plenty of reasons to be motivated, but I just can't get myself to do it. Maybe once Daniel gets a job I'll be more motivated. It looks like he may have luck with a new place, but we'll see.

I want it to be fall so fricken bad! I'm so over this hot weather and ready for it to cool down. I just love fall so much. It really puts me in the best mood. I can't wait to wear pea coats ( I have got to buy a new one), drink hot tea, sit outside, drive with the windows down, open my windows in my room, go out for doughnuts in the morning, go to starbucks. That sounds so amazing right now. I think some sort of like apple cinnamon tea sounds so good right now. I can't wait!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So it's been a while!

I thought I would convert my blog over to tumblr, but I got bored of that since it's more for pictures. I've been lusting over things so badly lately. Mostly a house. I've been so lazy about looking for a job, but I have to do it! Or else we're never going to move out!

Lately I've been wanting to dye my hair dark again :/ . If I do it, I'm going to wait until after we get married so that I'll have mostly my natural color for pictures and such. I'm hoping my regrowth will be long enough for me to just dye my ponytail. Although I guess it doesn't matter now if I'm just going to dye it dark after. I guess we'll see. Everyone thinks my hair looks better dark, my sister, my friends, I'm sure Daniel probably does too, but he wouldn't admit it and honestly I wouldn't want him to. I've just been missing it. My natural color will take so long to grow out and I don't know if I even like it! Maybe I could try a natural looking red before I do it dark since that's the whole reason I didn't want it dark anymore in the first place!