Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I've missed it. And strayed from it a bit. I'm still trying to find my happy medium. It's been kind if difficult with make up. I'm trying to find stuff to wear for the wedding. Make up is such a weak spot for me. I go through phases. Sometimes I just want to buy a bunch of make up and toy with it. The problem is that it's so hard to know exactly what you are buying. So you end up buying duds. This happens to me a lot. So I always wonder if I should just keep around the stuff thinking I may use it or do I just get rid of it? I've recently bought 3 lipsticks, 1 blush, a pencil eyeliner, and liquid eyeliner. The eyeliners I know I'll use. I don't know about the lipstick. The blush is a decent color. It's such an annoying thing for a minimalist. Once I get rid of make up I want to buy it. Then I buy it and don't like it so I want to get rid of it. I'm guessing I'll just keep these around for a while.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Wedding acessories

I wish my dress would hurry up and come in the mail so I can start figuring out shoes and accessories! I guess that's what I get for ordering my dress from china! I'm really having a hard time with make up too! I hate that I'm such a perfectionist. I think for my necklace I'm going to wear my sisters pearls. But that's as far as I've got and I don't know if that is even set in stone. I bought a veil today though! From Walmart for $6! The cheapest one from David's bridal is $20 I believe and probably the same quality as the one I bought. And longer! The one from db was just a blusher or short veil. This one is 71 inches. So yeah it needs to hurry up and come in!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


So we've been talking more about the wedding and starting to take a little more action. Daniel e-mailed the venue we want and they're available for the day we want!! :D First step! Now we have to book it.

I've been looking at dresses again, I thought I was sure about what I wanted, but I wasn't. Now I think I'm on the right track. But that got me thinking. If we do book it for that day, our wedding is two months from today. Which also got me thinking, I really want to get into shape for the wedding. I mean I'm not overweight or anything, I just really want to lose like 10 pounds. Who doesn't for their wedding? Hopefully this will be the motivation I need. It has to be. I should've started today, but I didn't really think about it until a couple hours ago.

We've come to accept the idea that we may be living here when we get married. I guess I'm ok with that. I'm just tired of waiting. Once we get married, I'll feel so much better. So much less stressed. I can't wait! I've really been getting excited about it today.