Friday, January 28, 2011


This is going to be a pretty pathetic post and I'm well aware of that.

I'm happy because over the past couple of weeks I've accomplished a few things I've been wanting to do. One place where I am not a very good minimalist is with lotions and perfumes. I know this sounds ridiculous, but being a girl, I want to smell good. Although I mentioned I'm not very minimal with those things, I want to be, I just don't want to waste them. Sure I can give them away. But since I don't really have any friends (at least I'm willing to admit it) I could consider giving them to my mom or sister. HOWEVER, they are as far away from the spectrum of minimalism at possible. If I were to give them the lotions, they would just sit in their bedrooms. For years. I know because I tried it. At least for a few months. What I'm getting at is that I'm close to being done with my goal of using up all my lotions. While I try to be a minimalist, I also want to try to be environmentally smart. So I feel bad wasting them by pouring them in the yard or throwing it away or something, so I finished them.

What were on my list to use up were:
1. sample size Burt's Bees cuticle cream
2. sample size Burt's Bees banana hand cream
3. sample size Burt's Bees almond milk hand cream
4. 2 9oz (I believe) bottles of lotion from bath and body works
5. Burt's Bee's chap stick

There might be more but that's all I'm willing to write for now. There's still a few things I'm working on. Like I said, I'm almost there, but not quite. These things were sitting around in my bedroom taking up space and probably going bad. All of them were also gifts. I like Burt's Bees but for some reason I didn't use it. Just didn't need it I guess.

Something that I will be referencing to that I have is what I call my Book of Goals (or Lists). I think everyone should have one. That is unless they're overwhelmed by to do lists. This book is something I use ALL the time. I put everything in it. For example, things I want to buy, things I have for homework, things I want to use up, things I want to do to my room (ex. paint). Some what long term (1 year probably) and short term goals (a week or so). It really helps me stay organized and in control. I'm a really visual person, so I like to have everything I need to do laid out in front of me. Or else, I will probably forget, which leads to anxiety. So I go through and think of everything I need to do and just write it down. It eases my mind. This may not help everyone, but for me it really works wonders. All of those items I mentioned before were in that book.

Well I guess that's all for now. Like I said, pathetic. I could be OCD, but I don't think so. I think I'm someone who wants live minimally without wasting.

My Book of Goals/Lists


Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm starting this very deeply into my journey

I'm Lauren. I'm 19 years old. I'm writing this blog to help deal with my strong desire for my idea of pseudo-minimalism. I don't want to be a hardcore minimalist. Just half of one. I began this mindset roughly 2 years ago when I started getting interested in interior design. I realized that all of the rooms that I found to be so beautiful had a common theme: they weren't cluttered. Some were at first. But as my taste developed, the ones that caught my eye had little in them. I started becoming obsessed with the idea of living in a small area, or apartment. Low maintenance, less to be responsible for, everything you love close to you. Once the excitement of living in a small space sank in a bit, I realized the people living in these homes weren't like your average home owner. They were people living in less than 1,200 sq. ft. homes (or apartments) and for the most part less square footage than that. Since they don't have much space they have carefully chosen exactly what they want to live with, something that not many give thought to. Without the abundant space, these people have sorted through their possessions. Knowing this inspired me to do the same.

I still live at home and only have a bedroom to call my own, but will be moving into an apartment when I marry my fiance, Daniel. Even though I only have a bedroom, I'm still fascinated by the idea of living with only what you love and need. I guess I'm kind of willingly training my self for when we have a tiny apartment together, since that's all we'll be able to afford initially.

What I'm doing is definitely not for every one. Some people may not even agree it's minimalism and I'm not claiming for it to be. I'm writing this blog simply because I don't think anyone wants to hear what I have to say about minimalism or why I'm doing it, besides maybe fellow pseudo-minimalists. Nobody understands us. lol. I really want to inspire to live lightly like I'm choosing to do. I look forward to writing about everything from random ideas I have to things that I really want to do without. I hope this was a informative enough opening entry.
